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Affiliated institutions: James Madison University

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Description: Bio 346 Laboratory in Bacterial Pathogenomics is a Course-Based Research Experience (CURE) laboratory in the isolation and comparative genomic analysis of Salmonella, Klebsiella, and other environmental pathogens. In this course, students isolate, identify, and characterize Salmonella enterica from stream sediments and poultry litter in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. They analyze their isolates' phenotypic antibiotic resistance and look for the occurrence of plasmids native to these bacteria. After whole genome DNA sequencing, students learn how to assemble genomes de novo; to annotate genes; and to use computational methods to type their strains and detect antibiotic resistance genes, pathogenicity islands, mobile genetic elementd, etc. The development of this course has been supported by Edward Rice & the Madison Trust of James Madison University, and by the JMU Dept. of Biology.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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Bacterial Pathogenomics Protocols, Guides, and Safety (public)

Wet lab, safety, and bioinformatics protocols & guides

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