# Gathering Data from the Web
The internet is full of information waiting for exploration - from social media, to newspaper comments, to digitized archives. How do you begin gathering this kind of data? This workshop will introduce participants to browser-based tools for web-scraping (including GetThemAll and Scraper) and Facepager, a tool for gathering information from Twitter, Facebook, and other social media sites. No experience with these tools is necessary, and participants do not need to have any coding skills.
## Requirements
* Please bring a laptop with you to this workshop.
You should install:
- Facepager (https://github.com/strohne/Facepager)
- HTTrack: https://www.httrack.com/
- Scraper Chrome extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/scraper/mbigbapnjcgaffohmbkdlecaccepngjd?hl=en
- GetThemAll Chrome extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/getthemall-video-download/nbkekaeindpfpcoldfckljplboolgkfm?hl=en
- You will need a Facebook and Twitter account in order to get data from those sites using Facepager.