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This OSF archive contains the stimuli, survey-data and underlying eye tracking data for our survey comparing four data visualisations for eye tracking data. We compared: - Scanpath - Scarfplot - Space-time cube - Chord diagram We asked participants to answer the questions: - Where did participants look first? - Where did participants look longest? - What regions did participants most often look between? We had two types of data: - Eye movements while participants watched an advert (for 3 seconds) - Eye movements while participants chose between two gambles (untill keypress) From the original eye tracking data, we used the data of five participants (first five alphabetically). The following folders contain the following information: - Analysis: R-markdown document and associated PDF for the analysis of the survey data - Experiment: The images used in the survey - Eye movement data: The original eye movement data and the counts underlying the correct responses to the survey questions - Survey data: the responses of the participants to the survey questions (AOIs)
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