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**This code allows to obtain the polarization parameters generated in the paper.** This component contains the codes used to process SAC data and obtain the mapped polarization parameters at each station. The folder contains: 1. The *polar_time_azr.m* file, which can be run to obtain the output files. 2. Several SAC files with populated header; the name of each file contains the origin time, station, and component of motion. 3. A folder containing the Circular Statistics Toolbox 2012a from Berens P., as retrieved at on August 1, 2021 from MATLAB Central File Exchange ( 4. Two routines to process SAC files (lh_mod.m and rsac_mod.m,), edited from 5. Two functions created to compute the covariance matrix (cov_m) and filter the signal (filtSignal.m)/ *Outputs* The primary output is the excel file (*statistics_pol.xls*) corresponding to those also contained in this project (see the *Results* component). The secondary output are *.dat files, each file name contains the station name and the frequency. In each file the columns correspond to time, rectilinearity, azimuth, and dip. *Example run:* Enter the folder and run the primary file. The processing time is ~3s.
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