# Overview
This subject had to detect the transition from RAN to REG patterns throughout 5 blocks.
1. The REG part was repeated across the experiment.
2. The REG part was always novel.
3. RAN sequences.
4. STEP (from one tone to another).
5. Single tone sequences.
We observed learning (faster detection time across blocks) for RAN-REG when repeated (Condition 1), as compared with novel (Condition 2):
![Overview of results][1]
# Stimulus features
- 50 ms tone duration
- No intertone interval
- 20 alphabet cycle
- 140 tones per sequence
- Jittered transition from ran to reg (as indicated in the 'zero' column of *conds.txt file).
[1]: https://files.osf.io/v1/resources/dtzs3/providers/osfstorage/5bc4e415512c030017942216?mode=render