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Description: This code can be used to calculate total IRT scores or subscale IRT scores using raw scores from a group of respondents who completed the Vanderbilt Fatigue Scale for Adults-40 item version (VFS-A-40). To download the code simply select the "Generate VFS-A-40 IRT" folder below and then click the "Download as zip" button to save the required files. Instructions for how to use the code are contained in the .R files for a given scale or subscale. A description of the development of the VFS-A-40 is provided in: Hornsby, B. W. Y., Camarata, S., Cho, S.-J., Davis, H., McGarrigle, R., & Bess, F. H. (2021). Development and validation of the Vanderbilt Fatigue Scale for Adults (VFS-A). Psychological Assessment, 33(8), 777–788.


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