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Potsdam Textbook Corpus
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Category: Data
Description: This repository contains the Potsdam Textbook Corpus (PoTeC) which is a natural reading eye-tracking corpus. Four groups of participants (graduate/undergraduate level students of physics and biology) read 12 short texts taken from textbooks of physics and biology while their eye movements were monitored. The final dataset contains the reading data for 75 participants each reading all 12 texts. The study follows a 2x2x2 fully-crossed factorial design: Factor 1: Discipline of studies of participant with the levels either physics or biology Factor 2: Level of studies of participant with the levels either graduate or undergraduate Factor 3: Text domain with the levels either physics or biology
PoTeC - Potsdam Textbook Corpus
NOTE: This repository contains the data files for an eye-tracking-while-reading dataset (see description below). The main repository is a GitHub repository which contains a more extensive documentation including all the code that has been used to process that data, and instructions on how to automatically download the data files from this repository.
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