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  1. Robert B. Srygley
  2. Douglas Lawton
  3. David H. Branson

Date created: 2022-04-25 05:05 PM | Last Updated: 2022-06-22 12:58 PM

Identifier: DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/DMYHF

Category: Project


This project site provides supporting information for the following pulication:

Humphreys JM, Srygley RB, Lawton D, Hudson A, and Branson DH (2022). Grasshoppers Exhibit Asynchrony and Spatial Non-Stationarity in Response to the El Nino/Southern and Pacific Decadal Oscillations. Ecological Modelling, Volume 471,

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Humphreys, Srygley, Lawton & 2 more

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Humphreys, Srygley, Lawton & 2 more

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Causal Inference and Sensitivity Analysis

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Process-based Modeling of Grasshopper Recruitment under Projected Climate Change

Humphreys JM, Srygley RB, Branson DH. Geographic Variation in Migratory Grasshopper Recruitment under Projected Climate Change. Geographies. 2022; 2(1...

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AgricultureCausal inferenceEl Nino/Southern OscillationGrasshoppersInsectsPacific Decadal OscillationSpatial asynchronySpatial non-stationarity

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