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This is the established wiki for the Ornithological Attractant and Deterrent (BAD) and relevant sections have been organized to make reading easier. As an ongoing project, updates will be made as the design is iterated. An idea was proposed by researchers from the Forestry department of Michigan Technological University to construct a speaker system capable of playing sounds in remote locations, such as forests and fields. It is hoped that multiple types of sounds can be tested to determine the efficacy of guiding birds away from dangerous areas and towards safety. Specifically, the researchers have requested the construction of eight units to create a mesh of speaker systems. The BADs will alongside Autonomous recording units (ARUs) will be employed to play diverse sounds and record the presence of birds in the area to assess feasibility of shepherding birds. As of December 2023 the project has made serious advancements and almost completely reworked. Each section will have a V1 section for how the device was established before and a V2 section for the most current and best working version.
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