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Description: Inhibition of return (IOR) refers to an increase in reaction times to targets that appeared at a previously cued location relative to an uncued location, often investigated using a spatial cueing paradigm. Despite numerous studies that have examined many aspects of IOR, the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying IOR are still in dispute. The objective of the current research is to investigate the plausible mechanisms by manipulating the cue and target types between central and peripheral stimuli in a traditional cue-target paradigm with saccadic responses to targets. In peripheral cueing conditions, we observed inhibitory cueing effects across all cue-target onset asynchronies (CTOAs) with peripheral targets, but IOR was smaller and arose later with central targets. No inhibition was observed in central cueing conditions at any CTOAs. Empirical data were simulated using a two-dimensional dynamic neural field model. Our results and simulations support previous work demonstrating that, at short CTOAs, behavioral inhibition is only observed with repeated stimulation – an effect of sensory adaptation. With longer CTOAs, IOR is observed regardless of target type, when peripheral cueing is used. Our findings suggest that behaviorally exhibited inhibitory cueing effects can be attributed to multiple mechanisms, including both attenuation of visual stimulation and local inhibition in the superior colliculus.


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