**Instructions for using data**
We include 7 files/directories to replicate and evaluate our analyses of beetle morphologies, biomechanics, and genetics.
1. "Horn_length_allometry_phylogeography_02_2023" are the data relevant to among population horn length and thorax width allometries.
2. "Data_phylogeography_biomechanic_02_2023" are the subset of specimens where we physically measured horn strength forces.
3. "Rscript_phylogeography_28June2023.R" is the script necessary to replicate our statistical results.
4. "Admixture..." are input and output files to evaluate or population structure results.
5. "Beast2_SNAPP..." are input and output files to evaluate our phylogenetic interpretations.
6. "Good_inidv_only....vcf" contains all snps across all individuals and populations used in the paper.
7. RadSeq scripts: Explains the steps used to process raw fastq files into vcfs for later sequence analysis.