This website contains data and analysis code used in Bae & Luck (2019) Reactivation of previous experiences in a working memory task, Psychological Science.
Run "SVM_ECOC_ERP_Decoding_PreviousTrial.m" to do the decoding analyses reported in the paper.
Run "SVM_ECOC_Plot_Stat.m" to create a plot for average decoding accuracy across time along with significant clusters of time points.
1. "BehAccuracy" in the data actually represents "reported orientation".
2. Parallel processing toolbox and EEGLAB is required to run the decoding analysis.
3. boundedline.m file is necessary to create the plot. Please download the file from Experiment 1 folder.
4. "simulationOrientation_wholeEpoch.mat" and "simulationOrientation_wholeEpoch_Exp2.mat" are the files that contain cluster-based T values from null distributions. Theses files are necessary to perform statistical tests in "SVM_ECOC_Plot_Stat.m".