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Intoxication and pitch control in tonal and non-tonal language speakers /
Dataset for Tang et al. (2022)
- Kevin Tang
- Charles B. Chang
- Sam Green
- Kai Xin Bao
- Michael Hindley
- Young Shin Kim
- Andrew Nevins
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Category: Data
Description: Full dataset for Tang, Chang, Green, Bao, Hindley, Kim, and Nevins (2022, "Intoxication and pitch control in tonal and non-tonal language speakers"), in Excel format (.xlsx) and tab-separated values format (.tsv). See the wiki for a description of the variables in the dataset.
Description of the dataset variables:
- Part_Num: participant ID
- Script_Line_Number: number of the script line (see the speech materials) from which the utterance is taken
- Line_ID: utterance ID
- Sentence: orthographic transcription of the utterance
- Drinking_Cond: drinking condition (Sober or Intoxicated)
- Speaker_Lang: L1 group (Mandarin, German, or Korean)
- Speaking_Lang: language spoken in the utter…
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