Most of our code is provided with individually registered projects and studies. Here we make available some code that others can use, with appropriate citation. If you modify or improve upon this code, please let us know and we can add the updated scripts here too.
**Inattentional blindness**
- **Javascript code** (written by Katherine Wood): This code can be used to run a simple inattentional blindness task (black and white shapes with an unexpected gray cross). The script is embedded in an html file so that it can be opened and run in any web browser. It includes an instructions screen. The script can be extracted and incorporated into other platforms. It can also be tweaked to change the timing, shapes, etc.
- **Citation**: If you use or modify this code for a published study, please cite as: `Wood, K., 2019. simple_ib_mot. Version 1.0.`
- **License**: This code is shared under the MIT license. As long as it is appropriately credited/cited, it may be used in whole or in part and may be adapted for any purpose.
- Code link: