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Category: Project

Description: IMLS funded research into student perspectives of privacy issues associated with academic library participation in learning analytics initiatives.

License: Other



The research project will conduct a student-centered, three-year research agenda into student perspectives of privacy issues associated with academic library participation in learning analytics (LA) initiatives. Led by the primary investigator at Indiana University-Indianapolis (IUPUI), the team consists of research collaborators at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the University of W…


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Data Doubles Bibliographies

This site links to literature relevant to the Data Doubles project, including: bibliographies from Data Doubles articles, other publications from Data...

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Data Doubles Research Publications and Presentations

This site includes presentations and publications by the Data Doubles team. Please see the index files for citation and abstract information. License ...

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Data Doubles Research Tools

This site contains the research tools used during the three phases of the Data Double project. The three iterative research phases include: 1) prelimi...

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Data Doubles Toolkit

This site includes resources for reproducing Data Doubles research at other institutions.

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higher educationlearning analyticslibrarieslibrary learning analyticsprivacystudent privacy

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