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**Visualization with Ggplot 2** The first part of this **two part workshop** will introduce the logic behind ggplot2 and give users hands-on experience creating data visualizations using this package within R. R is a powerful tool for statistical computing, but its base capabilities for graphics can be limited, and complicated plots often require a considerable amount of code. Ggplot 2 is a popular package that extends R's capability for data visualization, allowing users to produce attractive and complex graphics in a relatively simple way. Day 1 will cover the basics of ggplot2, While Day 2 will cover more advanced topics in customizing the look of graphs for publication or presentation, adding multiple elements to graphs, and grouping plots together. **We strongly recommend attending Day 1 before attending Day 2 unless you are already very familiar with the basics of ggplot2(i.e. you understand the elements outlined in the Day 1 description below).** **Day 1 ("The Fundamentals" on 3/17/2023) of this workshop will cover:** 1. The basics of the "grammar of graphics" underlying ggplot2's functionality 2. How to create a variety of reproducible data visualization in R, such as histograms, line charts, scatter plots, heatmaps, and density plots 3. Multiple ways to visualize data by groups, including color labeling and faceting **Day 2("The Embellishments" on 3/24/2023) of this workshop will cover:** 1. How to adjust colors, shapes, legends, and axes 2. Using and customizing themes to adjust the look and feel of the graph 3. Combing graphs together using packages such as cowplot 4. How to reproducibly save graphs for publication To be successful, you should: - Have R and RStudio installed on a computer you can use for this workshop - Have basic familiarity with R, but no prior experience with ggplot2 is required
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