# Resources for 2020
## The Turing Way: Transforming Research with Collaborative Working
**Slides available at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3601496**
Please apply to join the _Turing Way_ Book Dash 📚💨 on 21 February 2020.
* Deadline for applications **16 January 2020**.
* Application form: https://forms.gle/spLPxJ2mt1zKb6aG6
Please join the _Turing Way_ and Autistica Citizen Science mailing lists 🙏🏻
* Turing Way: https://tinyletter.com/TuringWay
* Autistica/Turing Citizen Science: https://tinyletter.com/AutisticaTuringCitizenScience
My contact details are available at my lab website: https://whitakerlab.github.io/contact.
Direct messages on slack are my preferred method of communication.
### Useful resources
#### *The Turing Way*
* The book: https://the-turing-way.netlify.com
* Github repository: https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way
* Contributing guidelines: https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md
* Gitter chat room: https://gitter.im/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way
* Turing Way artwork (all CC-BY and available for reuse!): https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3332807
* Online Collaboration Cafe outline and schedule: https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/blob/master/project_management/online-collaboration-cafe.md
* Mailing list: https://tinyletter.com/TuringWay
* Book Dash application form: https://forms.gle/spLPxJ2mt1zKb6aG6
* ***Deadline: 16 January 2020***
* Tweet thread explaining the process a little more: https://twitter.com/kirstie_j/status/1210934696248586241?s=20
* Reports from previous book dashes:
* Manchester: https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/blob/master/workshops/book-dash/book-dash-mcr-report.md
* London: https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/blob/master/workshops/book-dash/book-dash-ldn-report.md
#### The Alan Turing Institute
* Institute website https://www.turing.ac.uk
* Announcment of £48 million for the AI for Science and Government research programme from the UKRI strategic priority fund: https://www.turing.ac.uk/news/alan-turing-institute-spearhead-new-cutting-edge-data-science-and-artificial-intelligence
* Description of the Research Engineering Group and the Tools, Practices and Systems research programme: https://www.turing.ac.uk/research/research-programmes/research-engineering
* Blog post "In praise of research engineering": https://www.turing.ac.uk/research/research-programmes/research-engineering/programme-articles/praise-research-engineering
* I didn't have time to describe what a research software engineer is, but it is a fantastic career path that allows researchers to do the job of a traditional "middle author": data management and wrangling, writing software, checking statistical methods and modelling, without having to write papers.
* They're professional collaborators and you can apply to join the Turing team at https://cezanneondemand.intervieweb.it/turing/jobs/research_data_scientist__research_software_engineer_8412/en. This is a rolling deadline, the team is always looking for great new members 💖
* Also, strong recommendation to visit Bletchley Park! https://bletchleypark.org.uk
#### Documentation for the win
* Protocols.io: https://www.protocols.io
* You can have unlimited public protocols and 3 private protocols for free: https://www.protocols.io/plans
* The spectacular MELD project: https://meldproject.github.io
* And their protocols: https://www.protocols.io/researchers/meld-project
#### Inclusion
* Mozilla Open Leadership Whitepaper: https://mozilla.github.io/olm-whitepaper
* Their training materials: https://mozilla.github.io/open-leadership-training-series
* Slides for my previous talk on "Building Inclusive Communities": http://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.7564682
* Blog post on "Being Glue" about hidden work in team science: https://noidea.dog/glue
* "Tyranny of Structurelessness" by Jo Freeman: * https://www.jofreeman.com/joreen/tyranny.htm
* And an article explaining how this relates to culture in Silicon Valley: https://www.wired.com/story/silicon-valley-tyranny-of-structurelessness
* Blog post: "Abraham Wald and the Missing Bullet Holes" excerpted from "How Not To Be Wrong" by Jordan Ellenberg: https://medium.com/@penguinpress/an-excerpt-from-how-not-to-be-wrong-by-jordan-ellenberg-664e708cfc3d
* Quote: "The armor, said Wald, doesn’t go where the bullet holes are. It goes where the bullet holes aren’t: on the engines."
* "Open Science Isn't Always Open to All Scientists", by Christie Bahlai, Lewis J. Bartlett, Kevin R. Burgio, Auriel M. V. Fournier, Carl N. Keiser, Timothée Poisot & Kaitlin Stack Whitney: https://www.americanscientist.org/article/open-science-isnt-always-open-to-all-scientists * Includes link to "Open Divide: Critical Studies on Open Access": https://scidecode.com/en/open-divide-critical-studies-on-open-access/
* Relevent for discussions on open initiatives perpetuating and increasing global inequality.
#### Team science
* Blog post: "Stop searching for that data scientist unicorn" by Vivian Zhang: https://www.infoworld.com/article/3429185/stop-searching-for-that-data-science-unicorn.html
* Emoji key to acknowledge different types of contribution: https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key
#### Autistica/Turing Citizen Science project
* Slides from my talk "Participatory citizen science to improve autistic people's lives": https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3524884
* Mailing list: https://tinyletter.com/AutisticaTuringCitizenScience
* Github repository: https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/AutisticaCitizenScience
* Contributing guidelines: https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/AutisticaCitizenScience/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md
* Gitter chat room: https://gitter.im/alan-turing-institute/AutisticaCitizenScience
#### University and College Union
* The University and College Union: https://www.ucu.org.uk
* Free for postgraduate students who teach
## Open and transparent leadership in academia
**Slides available at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3603499**
You are all welcome and encouraged to join the "Open As In Book" online book club. Details are available at https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/799690-open-as-in-book. The next book is "Towards Collective Liberation: Anti-Racist Organizing, Feminist Praxis, and Movement Building Strategy" by Chris Crass.
My contact details are available at my lab website: https://whitakerlab.github.io/contact. Direct messages on slack are my preferred method of communication.
### Useful resources:
#### Inspiration
* Zombie Marie Curie comic from XKCD: https://xkcd.com/896
* My tweets on posting a #GrootGif and focusing on my own work rather than being mad about unfair practices I've experienced: https://twitter.com/search?q=%23GrootGif
* Ted talk by Uri Alon "Why science demands a leap into the unknown": https://www.ted.com/talks/uri_alon_why_truly_innovative_science_demands_a_leap_into_the_unknown
* Paper by Uri Along, "How To Choose a Good Scientific Problem": https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molcel.2009.09.013
#### Join Your Union
* The University and College Union: https://www.ucu.org.uk
* Free for postgraduate students who teach
* The organising at Google has been really inspirational in 2019. They're coming down hard on the people at the centre but I hope the momentum will continue in 2020.
* https://www.theverge.com/2019/11/25/20983053/google-fires-four-employees-memo-rebecca-rivers-laurence-berland-union-busting-accusation-walkout
* https://medium.com/@GoogleWalkout/onward-another-googlewalkout-goodbye-b733fa134a7d
#### Networking
* A book on networking that really changed my life: The Frog and the Prince: Secrets of Positive Networking To Change Your Life: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Frog-Prince-Secrets-Positive-Networking/dp/0973226501
* Warning, I haven't read this in 15 years, it might be terrible now 😬
#### Management
* My philosphy for how and why I run lab meetings: https://github.com/WhitakerLab/Onboarding/blob/master/Lab-meetings.md
* Radical Candor: https://www.radicalcandor.com
* "Be a kick-ass boss without losing your humanity"
* https://smile.amazon.com/Radical-Candor-Revised-Kick-Ass-Humanity/dp/1250235375
#### Self Care
* Fit your own oxygen mask before helping others: https://www.fintechfutures.com/2019/01/please-fit-your-own-mask-before-helping-others-self-care-tips-for-corporate-change-makers
#### Book Club and recommendations
* Emergent Strategy, adrienne maree brown
* Book: https://www.akpress.org/emergentstrategy.html
* Long read interview: https://praxis.fortelabs.co/emergent-strategy-organizing-for-social-justice
* Blueprint for a revolution: how to use rice pudding, Lego men, and other non-violent techniques to galvanise communities, overthrow dictators, or simply change the world, Srdja Popovic
* https://scribepublications.co.uk/books-authors/books/blueprint-for-revolution
* Guardian review: https://www.theguardian.com/global-development-professionals-network/2015/mar/11/review-blueprint-handbook-for-activists-srjdja-popovic
* Open As In Book club: https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/799690-open-as-in-book
## Resources for 2019
Slides on figshare:
Etherpad: https://etherpad.net/p/STARS19-TransformingResearch
### Other talks
"How Far We'll Go" keynote on Culture Change at Software Sustainability Institute's Collaborations Workshop 2018
* Video:
* Slides:
* Next year's conference:
"Barriers to reproducible research and how to overcome them":
"The BIDS Starter Kit: Applying, understanding, and contributing to the Brain Imaging Data Structure": https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.7415765
### Additional links
Mozilla Open Leadership training: https://foundation.mozilla.org/opportunity/mozilla-open-leaders
* Curriculum to work through on your own: https://mozilla.github.io/open-leadership-training-series