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  1. Joop de Beer
  2. Leo van Wissen

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Category: Project

Description: The aim of this project is to analyse regional variations in population aging across European regions, the demographic processes shaping them, their dynamics and possible implications for economies and societies. Though the role of population ageing in economic development is widely acknowledged, and there is much literature about economic convergence, the convergence debate is lacking analyses of the impact of population ageing on economic convergence. Even less is known about the spatial variations of these processes at regional level. The project examines whether European NUTS-2 regions experienced convergence in aging during the last decade and investigates which demographic factors cause changes in the support ratio (the ratio of the working to non-working age population). In addition the relationship of convergence in population ageing with economic convergence will be examined. Convergence analysis techniques are used. The aim is to assess the effect of different population structures' dynamics across European countries and regions on economic cohesion. Moreover urban-rural difference in regional aging dynamics will be analyzed. Decomposable convergence and inequality measures will be used. Finally, regional demographic convergence will be tested for spatial regularities in order to assess whether adjacent regions show similar patterns of demographic development.

License: MIT License

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