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Description: This is a follow up experiment on the Reverse Hierarchy project. Previous findings suggest an interaction between the time from stimulus offset to response cue on confidence efficiency, depending on whether observers were making a ‘high-level’ or a ‘low-level’ perceptual decision. This Experiment will attempt to replicate the effect with different stimuli: participants will make a high-level perceptual decision about the walking direction of biological motion stimuli (leftward or rightward of direct) or a low-level perceptual decision about the rotation of two dots at the centre of the biological motion stimulus (leftward or rightward rotation). The task design is the same as the project “Testing the effect of response cue timing on high- and low-level metacognition”. Two groups of participants will be recruited to test the effect of high- vs low-level perceptual decision between subjects. The effect of time from stimulus offset to response cue will be tested within subjects.


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