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Using IMPLEMENTation science and Studies Within A Trial to improve evidence-based participant recruitment and retention in randomised controlled trials /
WP1: Identifying and prioritising trial recruitment and retention strategies
- Adwoa Parker
- Rosalind Way
- Adenike Okanlawon
- Gloria Mongelli
- Elizabeth Coleman
- Catherine Arundel
- Athanasios Gkekas
- Dr Frances Shiely
- Eleftheria Patetsini
- Chris Sutton
- Cherish Boxall
- Sharon Love
- Garry Meakin
- David J. Torgerson
- Camila Piccolo-Lawrance
- Shaun Treweek
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Category: Uncategorized
Description: The Trial Forge SWAT Network and the NIHR-funded Implement SWATs programme established a working group in 2022 to identify and prioritise recruitment and retention strategies for future evaluation using randomised SWAT designs. We searched the NIHR HTA Journals Library to identify published randomised trials. The recruitment and retention strategies used for each trial were extracted by two independent reviewers and categorised, using the Online Resource for Research in Clinical triAls (ORRCA) recruitment and retention domains. Strategies were then ranked according to their frequency of use. We mapped the identified strategies to the Cochrane systematic reviews of recruitment strategies and retention strategies; a systematic review of economic evaluations alongside SWATs; the Prioritising Recruitment in Randomised Trials (PRioRiTy I) and Prioritising Retention in Randomised Trials (PRioRiTy II); the MRC-funded Systematic Techniques for Assisting Recruitment to Trials (MRC START); and PROMoting the use of studies within a trial (PROMETHEUS). A long list of the most frequently used and promising strategies, along with any evidence on their effectiveness or cost-effectiveness was circulated to members of the working group, who independently ranked their top five strategies, along with their justification for choice of each strategy and its ranking. This ranking was discussed iteratively, with input from PPI partners and the wider Trial Forge SWAT Network members, to develop the final priority list.