# **Seedlings Wiki[now quite out of date, go here instead; https://bergelsonlab.gitbook.io/blab/data-pipeline ]** #
![enter image description here][1]
### **General** ###
[AnnotationNotes][3]: check this **every** time you annotate!
[Visit Protocols][6]
[Recruitment Scripts (and what to do when the phone rings and you freeze like a deer in headlights)][7]
### **Useful Lists** ###
[Lab Internal Google Docs: Common Word Index, Work Log, Crash Log][8]
[Glossary][9] - This explains the various lab jargon
[Bergelson Lab Wiki][10] - The OSF Wiki for the Bergelson Lab
### **Scripts and Misc** ###
Make sure you have the latest version of the scripts in the Github folder on the desktop. More info on Git/Github [\[here\]][11]
* see directions on how to use this under [AddScrub][13], or see complete directions on how to scrub audio files under [AudioScrub][14]
* see directions on how to use this under [Lena][17]
* see directions on how to use this under [BasicLevelTidy][19]
* see directions on how to use this under [BatchExport][21]
[batch_volume_change][22] script for changing a whole directory of files into the right_silent_72db kind of file for the eyetracking experiment<BR>
* see directions on the [Making Audio Stims][23] page
[clanstats][24] for checking lena speaker classifier performance
* see directions on how to use this under [Clanstats][25].
[compare_columns][26] script for video consensus
* see directions on how to use this under [DataVyuConsensusCheck][27]
[datavyu_scripts][28] for Datavyu entry format checking
* see directions on the [Datavyu Scripts][29] page
[filegrouper][30] library for grouping different files in a directory
* see directions on the [Filegrouper][31] page
* see directions on how to use this under [FixSpeakerCodes][32]
* see directions on how to use this under IDSLabel
* see directions on how to use this under [NewClan][35]
[parse_clan][36] script to turn the audio annotation **.cex** file into a wordtable for [BasicLevelAnnotation][37].
* see directions on how to use this in [ClanA][38]
[parse_clan2][39] script to turn the audio annotation **.cha** file into a wordtable (same as original parse_clan, but for the new Clan format)
* see directions on how to use this in [parse_clan2][40]
* see directions on how to use this in [PBWavLength][42]
[pyclan][43] library for parsing CLAN files and extracting information out of them
* see the ipython notebook with examples [here][44]
[pylena][45] library for parsing lena5min files and subsampling them
* see the ipython notebook examples of usage [here][46]
* see directions on how to use this in [Speakers][48]
[videoscrub][49] for muting/masking personal info in video files
* see directions on how to use this in [Videoscrub][50].
* see directions on how to use this in [WordCompare][52]
* see directions on how to use this in [WordMerge][54]
* see direction on how to use this in [SubRegSplice][56]
* see directions on how to use this in [Subjfilecrawl][58]
CHECK [Qualtrix Surveys][59]
[Old Versions][60]
[1]: https://donnellydailyapple.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/research1.jpg
[2]: https://osf.io/cxwyz/wiki/How-Tos%20&%20Protocols/
[3]: https://osf.io/cxwyz/wiki/Annotation%20Notes/
[4]: https://osf.io/4rcjd/wiki/Networking/
[5]: https://osf.io/4rcjd/wiki/Organization/
[6]: https://osf.io/cxwyz/wiki/Visit%20Protocols/
[7]: https://osf.io/cxwyz/wiki/Scripts/
[8]: https://osf.io/4rcjd/wiki/Internal%20Documents/
[9]: https://osf.io/cxwyz/wiki/Glossary/
[10]: https://osf.io/3qg96/wiki/home/
[11]: https://osf.io/cxwyz/wiki/Git/
[12]: https://github.com/SeedlingsBabylab/addscrubtier
[13]: https://osf.io/cxwyz/wiki/addscrubtier/
[14]: https://osf.io/4rcjd/wiki/Audio%20Scrubbing/
[15]: https://github.com/SeedlingsBabylab/audio_consensor
[16]: https://github.com/SeedlingsBabylab/audiowords
[17]: https://osf.io/cxwyz/wiki/Audio%20Processing/
[18]: https://github.com/SeedlingsBabylab/basicleveltidy
[19]: https://osf.io/4rcjd/wiki/basicleveltidy/
[20]: https://github.com/SeedlingsBabylab/batchexport
[21]: https://osf.io/cxwyz/wiki/Exporting%20Subject%20Data/
[22]: https://github.com/SeedlingsBabylab/batch_volume_change
[23]: https://osf.io/cxwyz/wiki/Making%20New%20Audio%20Stimuli/
[24]: https://github.com/SeedlingsBabylab/clanstats
[25]: https://osf.io/cxwyz/wiki/clanstats/
[26]: https://github.com/SeedlingsBabylab/compare_columns
[27]: https://osf.io/cxwyz/wiki/Datavyu%20Consensus%20Process/
[28]: https://github.com/SeedlingsBabylab/datavyu_scripts
[29]: https://osf.io/cxwyz/wiki/Datavyu%20Scripts/
[30]: https://github.com/SeedlingsBabylab/filegrouper
[31]: https://osf.io/cxwyz/wiki/Filegrouper/
[32]: https://osf.io/cxwyz/wiki/fix_speakercodes.rb/
[33]: https://github.com/SeedlingsBabylab/idslabel
[34]: https://github.com/SeedlingsBabylab/newclan
[35]: https://osf.io/4rcjd/wiki/newclan/
[36]: https://github.com/SeedlingsBabylab/parse_clan
[37]: https://osf.io/cxwyz/wiki/Basic%20Level%20Words/
[38]: https://osf.io/cxwyz/wiki/Audio%20Annotation/
[39]: https://github.com/SeedlingsBabylab/parse_clan2
[40]: https://osf.io/4rcjd/wiki/ParseClan2/
[41]: https://github.com/SeedlingsBabylab/pbwavlength
[42]: https://osf.io/4rcjd/wiki/pbwavlengths/
[43]: https://github.com/SeedlingsBabylab/pyclan
[44]: https://github.com/SeedlingsBabylab/pyclan/blob/master/pyclan_examples.ipynb
[45]: https://github.com/SeedlingsBabylab/pylena
[46]: https://github.com/SeedlingsBabylab/pylena/blob/master/tests/pylena_examples.ipynb
[47]: https://github.com/SeedlingsBabylab/speakers
[48]: https://osf.io/4rcjd/wiki/speakers/
[49]: https://github.com/SeedlingsBabylab/videoscrub
[50]: https://osf.io/cxwyz/wiki/Video%20Scrubbing/
[51]: https://github.com/SeedlingsBabylab/wordcompare
[52]: https://osf.io/4rcjd/wiki/WordCompare/
[53]: https://github.com/SeedlingsBabylab/wordmerge
[54]: https://osf.io/4rcjd/wiki/WordMerge/
[55]: https://github.com/SeedlingsBabylab/subregsplice
[56]: https://osf.io/cxwyz/wiki/Subregion%20Splicing/
[57]: https://github.com/SeedlingsBabylab/subjfilecrawl
[58]: https://osf.io/cxwyz/wiki/Subjfilecrawl/
[59]: https://osf.io/4rcjd/wiki/response_id/
[60]: https://osf.io/4rcjd/wiki/Old%20Versions/