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Preregistration: Is similarity appealing?
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Category: Project
Description: This project contains the preregistration for the manuscript "Is (Actual or Perceptual) Personality Similarity Associated With Attraction in Initial Romantic Encounters? A Dyadic Response Surface Analysis" (former working title: "Is similarity appealing?") * Note on a deviation between the preregistration and the paper: * On p. 12 of this preregistration, we state that we would use the equality constraints “b1f = b1m to b5f = b5m“ to test whether the effects differed between genders. These coefficient constraints are incorrect, because they would equate actor effects with partner effects. For our analyses, we corrected the constraints to more reasonable ones that are consistent with the recommendations in the literature (e.g., Schönbrodt et al., 2018). That is, we specified equal linear and quadratic actor effects (b1f = b2m and b3f = b5m), equal linear and quadratic partner effects (b2f = b1m and b5f = b3m), and equal interaction terms (b4f = b4m).