**Dehydrated Twitter data on the #MeTwo movement**
This data set contains 159,114 tweets associated with #MeTwo in dehydrated form collected between July 24 and August 03, 2018. #MeTwo emerged shortly after the outcry in the German public about Mesut Özil posing with the Turkish president Erdogan shortly before the Men's Football World Championship, questioning Özil's loyalty to Germany and sparking wide discussions about national identity and racial discrimination. By launching #MeTwo, social activist Ali Can aimed to highlight that national identity is complex for people with migration backgrounds and that the old definitions of national affiliation and identification do not fit the necessities of an immigrant society.
In order to rehydrate the data, please refer to open source software such as [Hydrator][1].
Please cite the data when using it as follows: Müller, Johannes / Gavras, Konstantin / Hehnke, Lisa. 2019. *Twitter Data on the #MeTwo Movement.* doi: 10.17605/OSF.IO/CV79Z
[1]: https://github.com/DocNow/hydrator "Hydrator"