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Affiliated institutions: University of Notre Dame

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Category: Project

Description: The Hesburgh Libraries and Snite Museum of Art at the University of Notre Dame received a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation in 2017 to develop a unified preservation and exhibition platform that will bring together their diverse collections online. The resulting platform aims to encourage comparative research, innovative joint exhibitions, and deeper integration of artwork, rare books, and artifacts [and archival resources] into University teaching. It will also benefit the scholarly community writ large by making available to other institutions an optimized open-source solution for collections preservation, curation, and scholarly and pedagogical use. In addition to the technical solution, best practices and collaborative workflows for Libraries and Museums will be documented and shared. This OSF portal contains technical and process documentation for the project.


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This section contains information on the user research and testing that the grant team conducted.

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Process Documentation

Find workflow and training documentation that illuminates how the Notre Dame team executed the grant project on this page. As we go, we'll provide add...

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The grant team's presentations to both Notre Dame and community groups distill the high-level goals of the grant as well as reflect the project's evo...

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