This page contains the following materials:
- '**Time 1 Survey**' - a PDF of the self-report items that were administered during the lab session
- '**experience sampling survey**' - a PDF containing the self-report items that were administered during the EMA
- '**T1 tasks**'- a folder containing each of the cognitive tasks used in the lab portion of the experiment
- '**Protocol**' - a word doc that RAs used during the lab session to run the various steps of the study
- '**GoalStudy_EEG_Processing Final**' - a word doc detailing the registered EEG processing steps
- '**details of data cleaning**' - a word doc detailing the clearning and data reduction for the EMA data
- '**data cleaning**' - a word doc listing participant exclusions for all aspects of the data.
- '**all desires and combining desire types**' - spreadsheet detailing how desire categories were created for the Journal of Personality paper (Milyavskaya et al., 2020).