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New Education Policy Of India 2020  /

  1. Binju Saju, Asst. Profe...hrissur, Kerala , India
  2. Laiby Thomas, Asst. Pro...hrissur, Kerala , India

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Category: Communication

Description: ABSTRACT The current National Curriculum Vision 2020 emphasizes more on experiential learning and analytical thinking. It is based on the idea that education must improve cognitive and "fundamental" skills for literacy and computerization and mental "higher-order" such as logical thinking, psychological, emotional, ethical skill, arrangement, and problem-solving. Experiential learning has proved that it will increase the students' higher-order thinking skills, including prioritization, analytical perception, analogical and logical reasoning, posting of questions, and going ahead of the information into discovery, reason, and organizing. Keywords: National Curriculum, higher-order thinking skills


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