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![Black banner with glowing arch doorway and the text: Government Information Days 2024][1] **Welcome to Government Information Days 2024!** -------------------------------------------- **Tuesday to Thursday, December 17-19, 2024 via Zoom.** **Finalized times will be confirmed following the review of proposal submissions. Scheduling will be friendly to all Canadian time zones. Stay tuned!** With a nod to “GovInfo Day (B.C.)”, which occurs every spring, the Ontario Council of University Libraries - Government Information Community (OCUL-GIC) is pleased to announce that it will be hosting this year’s virtual fall/winter Government Information Days 2024. The planning committee for this year's event includes: - Aleksandra Blake (Carleton University) - Gabby Crowley (Scholars Portal) - Amber Leahey (Scholars Portal) - Hélène LeBlanc (Wilfrid Laurier University) - Agnes Zientarska-Kayko (University of Waterloo). This conference is the perfect opportunity to engage with government information colleagues from across Canada and further afield. Come and learn what librarians, archivists, journalists and scholars are working on and are concerned about. Let's celebrate our achievements! As we get closer to the event, we will update this Wiki to provide event details such as registration, agenda and speaker information, and more. We are currently accepting submissions for proposed talks. Please see our **[Call for Proposals][2]** for more information. **Submissions are due** **Monday, November 4, 2024**. If you have any questions about this year's event, please reach out to **** Past programs and presentation materials are **[available online][3]**. [1]: [2]: [3]:
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