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This OSF page contains supplemental materials for this project. Among those materials, you will find: - the [print version of the survey][1] as it was presented in Qualtrics (in Brazilian Portuguese); - the [original database][2] as exported from Qualtrics in SPSS format, please note that there are empty cells in this due to the randomization of our stimulus (we have columns for all the possible combinations of messages/group chats but each participant saw only 20 of these); - a [codebook][3] indicating variables, questions (in Brazilian Portuguese), and its translations (for English); and - an [R Markdown Document][4] containing all steps taken in data analysis. Note that the data analysis file refers to the dataset contained in OSF, so there is no need to download the database file if you plan to use this file. Finally, Table 1 and its extended version can be seen through [here][5]. [1]: "print version of the survey" [2]: "original database" [3]: "codebook" [4]: "R Markdown Document" [5]: "here"
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