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Category: Project

Description: We conducted a pre-registered meta-analysis to provide our best estimate of the effect size of two stress regulation strategies: Self-administered mindfulness meditation and Heart-Rate Variability biofeedback

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


Author Note: The preparation of this work was partly funded by a French National Research Agency ”Investissements d’avenir” program grant (ANR-15-IDEX-02) awarded to Hans IJzerman, and PRIMUS/20/HUM/009 grant awarded to Ivan Ropovik. Note that we wrote the pre-registration in past tense to avoid errors after finishing the manuscript.


We conducted a pre-registered meta-analysis to provide o…


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Study Rationale + Hypotheses (Before registration) | Forked: 2019-05-03 07:37 UTC

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Methods (Before registration) | Forked: 2019-05-03 07:37 UTC

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Data Analytic Plan (Before registration) | Forked: 2019-05-03 07:37 UTC

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Materials | Forked: 2019-05-03 07:37 UTC

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Analytic Code (After data collection) | Forked: 2019-05-03 07:37 UTC

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biofeedbackHeart-Rate Variabilitymeta-analysisMindfulnesspublication biasSelf-helpstress regulation

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