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New Education Policy Of India 2020  /

  1. Sankar Varma, PhD Resea... iD 0000-0001-9848-9876

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Category: Communication

Description: ABSTRACT India is a land of diversity, and there is no particular language that the country speaks. Perhaps the only language that the country was taught is the pledge that we have taken: “India is my country, and all Indians are my brothers and sisters.” Though there is a national language put in place, never had it been binding too. It has not even taken the characteristic of resorting to a means of colonization also. Recent changes in the wake of the pandemic have brought about the erasure of democratic thinking. This can be seen through the idea of distancing. A phenomenon where few of them are taken care of, while most of them are ‘othered.’ Though this has been a significant issue before the pandemic, this issue's manifestation has been made more evident now. The National Education Policy can be seen in this context as a mechanism of othering. Othering is a phenomenon that follows a system of displacing a majority through privatizing a public interest. This article attempts to look into the National Education Policy 2020 in this context. KEYWORDS: Othering, the other, National Education Policy (NEP), Education, Social


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