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- Nadja Naira Valente Mayrink Bisinoti
- Erika Barbosa Camargo
- Ricardo Alexssandro de Medeiros Valentim
- Joaquim Luis Alcoforado
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Category: Uncategorized
Description: Objective: To characterize the factors and dimensions that integrate translational research in medical devices and the challenges for their implementation. Specific objectives: 1. Synthesizing studies identified characteristics or evaluated initiatives in medical devices translational research. 2. Analyze the main characteristics, factors and dimensions related to translational research concept. 3. Examine the emerging evidence on the role of translational research in health innovation performance. 4. Analyze knowledge gaps in translational research in medical devices; and 5. Provide elements for future research that addresses the importance of developing personal and institutional skills in translational research to improve the medical device segment innovation performance in Brazil.
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