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This subproject is organized as follows: - The folder **data** contains the raw data of each participant stored in separate .txt files. - The folder **models** contains the .stan model files fitted with RStan.Two subfolders (GRT and 2HTM) contain the models for each respective model class. The file **GlossaryModelNotation.pdf** explains the logic behind the naming of the model files. We did not include the fitted model objects due to their large size. - The folder **** contains the Experiment programmed and run with PsychoPy2. - The document **Question_materials_procedure_analysis.docx** contains the preregistered research question, description of materials and procedure, and the preregistered analysis. - The folder **scripts** contains the R scripts used for data analysis. The file **ScriptsPairedExp1.pdf** includes a list and a brief description of the files included in the folder. Correspondence should be sent to: Anne Voormann (
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