**Original citation.**
[Wang, X., Geng, L., Qin, J., & Yao, S. (2016). The potential relationship between spicy taste and risk seeking. *Judgment and Decision Making, 11*(6), 547.][1]
**Target of replication.** The target of the replication is to investigate the relationship between spicy taste and risk seeking with two questionnaires. Additionally we consider other influencing factors.
The project contains:
1. [Study Materials][2],
2. [Raw Data][3],
3. full set of [Analyses][4] as well as the
4. [Pre-data][5] and
5. [Post-data Replication Report][6].
[1]: http://journal.sjdm.org/16/16714/jdm16714.pdf
[2]: https://osf.io/568u9/
[3]: https://osf.io/g3rby/
[4]: https://osf.io/7tfr3/
[5]: https://osf.io/unh5x/
[6]: https://osf.io/f3g8t/