A Map of the Hittite World
*by* [Michele Cammarosano][1]
Part of [Cuneiform Titbits][2]
A simple set of maps of Hittite Anatolia, primarily for purposes of presentation and teaching, with interactive display options, coordinates, and relevant hyperlinks.
- At [this webpage][3]: interactive map with various rendering options, coordinates, and hyperlinks to google maps & hittitemonuments.com)
- In the ["Files"][4] component: maps and tables to download (png, pdf); for credits see [here][5]
Corrections & suggestions are welcome!
[1]: https://osf.io/5qjpk/wiki/home/?view
[2]: https://osf.io/ghazk/wiki/home/
[3]: https://cuneiform.neocities.org/MHW/map.html
[4]: https://osf.io/cbyv8/files/
[5]: http://cuneiform.neocities.org/MHW/map.html#mapgallery