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Scores on the Author recognition test will computed by taking the total number of authors checked divided by 16, plus the total number of foils checked divided by nine [as foils were coded negatively, this will correspond to the standard scoring (see West & Stanovich, 1991). We will first construct a model regressing the kids these days-reading scale on the author recognition test score. This will be done via robust maximum likelihood due to the Likert-scale nature of the dependent variable (see Li, 2016) using the following code: MODEL: ktd ON art; We will then add age and conservativeness to the model using the following code: MODEL: ktd ON art age conservative; **References** Li, C. H. (2016). The performance of ML, DWLS, and ULS estimation with robust corrections in structural equation models with ordinal variables. *Psychological methods*, 21(3), 369. West, R. F., & Stanovich, K. E. (1991). The incidental acquisition of information from reading. *Psychological Science*, 2(5), 325-330.
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