**Component 2 (Baseline...)** defines the three levels of ES support as described by the authors (low, medium, and high). Each level defines the baseline library needs, baseline community needs, and offers other things to consider to flourish in that level or move to the next level of support.
Baseline Recommendations for Level Low:
At minimum one librarian who has had some training in ES projects who is available for consultations. This librarian will also serve as point-person or coordinator of ES support. One LibGuide or other self-help resources created to distribute ES studies and resources.
**Baseline Library Needs:**
- You must be familiar with the following ES methodologies, protocols,
and best practices (10+ hours)
- Cochrane, PROSPERO, Campbell Institute, Joanna Briggs, PRESS, PRISMA. Links for above reources and List of additional resources
and courses/trainings here
- Awareness of at least 1 abstract tracking software (2-3+ hours)
- Comfortable with at least 1 citation manager (2-3 hours per platform)
- Ability to suggest several appropriate subject databases
- LibGuide or other asynchronous for point-of-need support (7+ hours to create)
**Baseline Community Needs:**
- Some reference/consultation statistics, maybe 1-2% of a two-year total.
- If a LibGuide or other asynchronous resource is available, the usage should trend upward.
- If you performed a survey of the community, there should be interest from two or more departments/populations.
- Minimal but growing number of ES-related publications from your institution in the last two years.
**Things to Consider**:
- If your LibAnswers are hard to figure out if they are ES related, you might want to have librarians tag with #SR or the like for future data analysis.
- It may take 2 years for interest to increase, so consider performing another environmental scan, reference assessment, etc. in that time.
Baseline Recommendations for Level Medium (builds upon the previous):
One-two librarian(s) who has/ve 5-10% of their dedicated workload supporting ES projects. Offers routine ES workshops. Limited co-authorship/collaboration on full ES projects. May coordinate with other librarians to support multi-disciplinary ES projects.
**Baseline Library Needs:**
- Expert in various ES methodologies, protocols, and procedures.
Working familiarity with at least 1 abstract tracking software (5+ hours)
- Expert in at least 1 citation manager (2-3 hours per platform)
Expert database searcher for 3+ databases/platforms/vendors (20+ hours)
- Look at when in the semester you get heavy amounts of SR questions. Think about offering workshops at that time.
- Comfortable collaborating and advocating within an ES team.
Be prepared to co-author manuscripts, especially the methodology section.
- Coordinate training and/or solicit involvement across subject librarians as ES project demand.
**Baseline Community Needs**:
- Reference and/or consultations to be at least 3% of a two-year total.
- If you surveyed your community, interest in learning and performing ES projects should be made clear among 2+ departments.
- Noticeable increase in the number of ES-related publications from your institution in the last two years.
**Things to Consider:**
- Consider collaborative platforms to utilize for project management of an ES project since the work may be divided among 2+ librarians.
- Consider additional training to address other tools/platforms/citation managers and issues with ES projects (bias, peer-review, etc.)
Baseline Recommendations for Level High (builds upon the previous):
Minimum of one librarian who dedicated at least 30% of workload to ES support. Additional co-authorship/collaboration on full ES projects.
**Baseline Library Needs:**
- Argue for institutional subscription for resources such as Covidence, Endnote, or other ES platforms/resources.
- Argue for additional database access, such as: Pro version of TRIP, EMBASE via OVID, Web of Science, Scopus, etc.
- Prepare data management plans for ES projects and be aware of search strategy repositories and other open science resources.
- Be prepared to act as a project manager for an ES team.
**Baseline Community Needs**:
- Reference and/or consultations to be at least 5-10% of a two-year total.
- Steady and significant number of ES-related publications from your institution in the last two years.
- Established some co-authorship of ES publications, and requests continue.
**Things to Consider**:
- Consider developing skills in R, Python, or other coding language to amplify searches and efficiency.
- Consider exploring utilization and implications of emerging generative AI tools and platforms into ES methodologies and processes.
- Consider participating in scholarly discussions and training to help other librarians and information professions.