Title: The Coopetition Model of Collaboration in the NIH Generalist
Repository Ecosystem Initiative
Organizational Stories D (Infrastructure)
Presenters: Traci Snowden (Elsevier), Ishwar Chandramouliswaran (NIH ODSS),
Ana Van Gulick (Figshare) , John Chodacki (CDL/Zenodo)
The NIH-ODSS-funded Generalist Repository Ecosystem Initiative (GREI)
brings together seven generalist repositories (Dataverse, Dryad, Figshare,
Mendeley Data, Open Science Framework, Vivli, Zenodo) to enhance support
for NIH data sharing and discovery. “Coopetition” (i.e., cooperation +
competition) is a key component of GREI, invoked to describe the
participating repositories’ collaboration to advance functionality and
bolster data sharing and reuse.
Though they are a mix of nonprofit and for-profit organizations running
both open source and proprietary software-based repositories, all GREI
repositories support FAIR data sharing across disciplines, strive to adhere
to repository best practices, and leverage community standards. The GREI
coopetition fosters the development of a cohesive and interoperable
generalist repository landscape supportive of flexible data sharing and
cross-repository discoverability, while enabling the repositories to offer
unique features (e.g., visualization and analysis, tool integrations,
custom metadata).
In the NIH context, GREI continues to prove that there are benefits and
opportunities to global repositories working together to meet the needs of
research communities, funders, and institutions. The success of the GREI
model may interest other research infrastructure providers, who may
consider adopting some of the common GREI capabilities to reduce barriers
to data sharing and support greater interoperability across the repository