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Category: Data

Description: Minimally processed raw data from 11 subjects. Source data has been converted from PAR/REC to nii.gz using dicm2nii (available here: Defacing of anatomies has been performed using freesurfer mri_deface (doi: 10.1002/hbm.20312). Data is structured in the BIDS format (version 1.1.1 | 'Missing' functional scans are from other experiments and not used in this project. Additional information about particular scans (for example if the subject moved during the scan) is included in the .json file for that scan.

License: GNU General Public License (GPL) 3.0


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BOLDdepth-dependentfmrihuman V4hV4inverted voxelsretinotopic mappingTransverse Sinusvisual cortex

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