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How to organize a Virtual Brainstorming Day
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Category: Project
Description: Tired of an endless stream of online meetings? Does your team have important projects that have stalled because they are too complex to discuss on a conference call? Stuck on a project and need to generate some new ideas? Worried that some team members don't feel comfortable speaking up in online meetings? Consider organizing a Virtual Brainstorming Day. A Virtual Brainstorming Day is a group event where everyone brainstorms about a particular topic or theme. The brainstorm is conducted on an online Discussion platform (i.e. Slack, Discourse, Microsoft Teams, etc.) over a 24-48 hour period. Virtual Brainstorming Days are very effective for generating a lot of ideas quickly and identifying shared interests and expertise within a team. This project provides detailed information on how to organize a Virtual Brainstorming Day, including tips, tricks, and instructions.