There is no complete user manual for EyelinkAnalysis. Rather than attempting to assemble one giant document, I will be assembling smaller bits as separate documents or even how to videos and save them here. If there is something you would like to see better documented, please email <A HREF=""></a> and make a request. Currently this includes:
- **MessageSyntax.docx** This file shows how to construct eyelink messages to let the processing pipeline know what is on the screen, what the subject heard (etc). *Read this before constructing your first experiment.
- **FixingValidateError2.mp4** If your validation screen does not show any fixations, there may be a goofy little error with the plots. This short video shows you how to fix that.
**Major Versions**
The most important features of major new versions are tracked here. See the [version history] table in EyelinkAnalysis for a complete version history. This document is meant to just track the most important new features so you can decide if you want to upgrade.
- **V5.05** (3/30/23) Minor fixes to features for batch importing subjects and merging subject-level data
- **V5.00** (3/25/23) Added functionality to allow you to automatically upgrade the code and GUI for EyelinkAnalysis without affecting the data.
- **V4.90** (2/9/23) Added ability for user to define subject level datapoints (e.g., gender, condition).
- **V4.80** (2/8/23) Function to merge data from another source into the subjects table.
- **V4.70** (1/20/23) Added query buider to rapidly create timecourse curves.
- **V4.60**(1/17/23) Batch importer to process a batch of .asc files simultaneously.
- **V4.50** (3/29/22) Backend changes to ensure an easier transition to SQLServer for large dataasets.
- **V4.00** (11/4/18) Pupillometry mode.