The data has been published as:
Schlagbauer, B., Rausch, M., Zehetleitner, M., Müller, H. J. & Geyer, T. (2018). Contextual cueing of visual search is associated with greater subjective experience of the search display configuration. Neuroscience of Consciousness. 4, 1, niy001. doi: 10.1093/nc/niy001
The full materials are placed in the .zip file. Uncompressed, this results in a folder with ca. 800 Kb. The folder contains the raw data in the folder *Data* (.txt - files) and the analysis scripts for the empirical data (accuracy, verbal reports and sensitivities in part 1; reaction times in part 2).
The script is provided in R code (.r) and can be run by just adding the parent folder on your hard drive, where *Data* is stored to the script in line 8.
All material is licensed under a CC-BY 4.0 license. For a human-readable summary of what you are allowed to do with that piece of work, see