## Cross-Cultural Driving Project Repository
This repository hosts data from the **Cross-Cultural Driving Project**, including resources and tools for analyzing social situational awareness in driving encounters.
![Overview of the Modeling Social Situational Awareness in Driving Interaction process][1]
The findings from our Social Situational Awareness Questionnaire study are detailed in the paper *Modeling Social Situation Awareness in Driving Interactions*, available at the [ACM Digital Library](https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3640792.3675717).
You can preview the **CSV data** for this study [here](https://xcultural-data-preview.netlify.app/).
The **StrangeLand simulator** and additional tools required for visualizing the driving data are open-sourced on the [FarLab GitHub](https://github.com/FAR-Lab/CrossCulturalDriving/tree/development).
[1]: https://files.osf.io/v1/resources/bz8vq/providers/osfstorage/66f3517bd25b6cb847f42b5a?mode=render