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Notes for replication - The original study was conducted at a "large university in the midwestern United States" (younger sample) and "several retirement communities in a metropolitan area in the southeastern United States" (older sample). The first sample was collected and analyzed in Buss et al. (1999) and again used in Shackelford et al. (2004). - The present study is being conducted as part of a study project in the second year of a bachelor degree in the Netherlands. - The original study was collected with some time in between. We will collect them in high proximity in time. - The original study was collected in retirement communities. In the present sample, we will collect the data amongst members of city councils in the Netherlands. Similar retirement communities do not exist in the Netherlands, but the members from the city councils where we collect data are around the same age (their average age was 67.1). - The study with the younger sample will be replicated twice: Once by the second year bachelor students in a broad student sample (power calculation below) and once amongst our first year bachelor students (based on a convenience sample with all first year students at Tilburg University) - We chose to replicate the study as faithfully as possible. However, this study will be conducted in Dutch. Consistent with cross-cultural research (see, e.g., Brislin, 1970), the students running the study translated and back translated the materials. They were subsequently also checked by their supervisor to keep the questions as loyal to the original meaning as possible (IJzerman). - The students also added three questions on subjective perceptions of how emancipated people feel as a potential moderator (entirely at the end of the present study, so as not to affect the changes of the replication) - In the younger sample, we also added the SOI-R (Penke & Asendorpf, 2008) as a potential moderator (entirely at the end of the study). We chose not to include this in the older sample. Power analyses (Conducted with G*Power) - - We based the power analyses on the effect sizes from the original study - Male participants. There was no effect for male participants (younger vs. older males), with a Cohen's d of 0.01. We therefore assumed a medium effect size (Cohen's d = .5), with a power of 95% and an alpha of .05 (n = 210; 105 per group). Note that the assumed effect here is a smaller effect size than the comparisons between sexes, and the effects between sex can thus be expected with the present sample size. - Female participants. The Cohen's d for the effect comparing older and younger women was 0.53. With an alpha of .05 and a power of 95%, this would mean a n = 188 (94 per group).
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