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Description: Conference and Other Presentations on the Inventory of Nonordinary Experiences


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What Counts as Religious Experience? A New Approach to Designing and Validating Cross-Cultural Measures

Keynote Address: Religiosity in East and West – Conceptual and Methodological Challenges, 25 June 2019. Abstract: In operationalizing ‘religiosity’ (o...

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What Counts as Religious Experience? Reappraising the RERC data from the UK and China

Sir Alister Hardy Lecture. The Future of the Study of Religious and Spiritual Experience: 50th Anniversary of the Religious Experience Research Centre...

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Comparing Nonordinary Experiences: Surveying, Validating, and Mapping Similarities and Differences in the US and India

Session at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion, November 2019, San Diego, CA

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What Counts as Religious Experience? The Inventory of Non-Ordinary Experiences as a Tool for Analysis across Cultures and Traditions

Taves, Barlev & Kinsella
Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the International Association for the Psychology of Religion, Hamar, Norway, August 2017

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Workshop - Improving Psychological Measurement: Introducing the Response Process Evaluation (RPE) Method

Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science (SIPS), June 2020.

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Explaining the INOE: Reflections on Science Communication

Presentation at the Centre for Science Communication, University of Otago, March 2020.

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Inventory of Nonordinary Experiences (INOE)

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