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Description: Part research outcomes from TIPD at 1_CopyLeft(L) 2013-2024, Council of Indigenous Peoples (, Taiwan. 2_Acknowledgement: The reserach outcomes are part of research outcomes from TIPD research program (, which is mainly supported by Council of Indigenous Peoples, and partly by National Science and Technology Council & Academia Sinica, Taiwan. 3_誌謝:本計畫是"台灣原住民基礎開放研究資料庫" (TIPD,之部分成果,主要由原住民族委員會支援研究經費,部分經費來科技部計畫和中央研究院。 Related Projects: 1.Lin, Ji-Ping, Ming-Cheng Lee, Hiu Ha Chong, Li-Chuan Liu, Kui Kasirisir, and HSIN-CHUNG WANG. 2024. “TIPD : Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Open Research Data 台灣原住民基礎開放研究資料庫.” OSF May 8. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/E4RVZ. 2.Lin, Ji-Ping. 2024. “TPDD : Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Population Dynamics Open Data 台灣原住民族人口動態開放資料.” OSF May 7. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/UKJGS. 3.Lin, Ji-Ping. 2024. “TMDT: Taiwan Indigenous Peoples’ Multidimensional Table Data 台灣原住民族多維表資料庫.” OSF . May 7. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/A23EC. 4.Lin, Ji-Ping. 2024. “TICT: Taiwan Indigenous Peoples’ Contingency Tables 台灣原住民族基礎列聯表.” OSF May 7. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/9NRWD. 5.Lin, Ji-Ping. 2024. “TIHD: Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Household Structure Open Data 台灣原住民族家戶結構基礎開放資料庫.” OSF May 7. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/ZBWEK. 6.Lin, Ji-Ping. 2024. “TICD : Taiwan Indigenous Communities Open Data 台灣原住民族部落開放資料庫.” OSF May 7. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/ESW67. 7.Lin, Ji-Ping. 2024. “iqTICD : Integrated Query System of Taiwan Indigenous Community Open Data 台灣原住民族部落開放資料庫綜合查詢系統.” OSF May 7. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/RFE6P. 8.Lin, Ji-Ping. 2024. “TIHV : Taiwan Indigenous People’s High-Resolution Visualization of Population Distribution, Migration Dynamics, Traditional Communities by Ethnic Groups 當代台灣原住民高解析度視覺化圖形資料庫:人口分布、遷徙、傳統部落.” OSF May 8. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/V8ZK3. 9.Lin, Ji-Ping. 2024. “TIMD : Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Migration Dynamics 台灣原住民各族群遷徙動態.” OSF May 7. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/6RPZ9. 10. Lin, Ji-Ping. 2024. “iqTICD on Google: Taiwan Indigenous Communities Open Data Query System on Google 台灣原住民族部落開放資料庫Google綜合查詢系統.” Google Abstract Research question: Migration studies have confirmed that migrants are associated with higher lifetime gains and social mobility than non-migrants. As hard-to-reach population, although Taiwan indigenous peoples (TIPs) are much more migratory than the ordinary people, it is contradictory to see that poverty and inequality remain persistent and prevalent among TIPs. Data and methodology: The research utilizes record linkage and geocoding methods to build anonymized open data of population dynamics, based on household register from 2013 to 2018. Using this longitudinally linked data, the research unveils the entangled features of population dynamics in TIPs. With a focus on the effects of income inequality, the research explores migration dynamics in primary, return, and onward migrations in the context of regional inequality. Main research findings: (1) migration of TIPs is characterized by migration between areas of high income-high inequality and areas of low income-low inequality; (2) TIPs are much more migratory in areas of high income-high inequality than in areas of low income-low inequality; inequality in wealthy areas outweighs income in triggering migration, but migration in areas with high poverty and low inequality is triggered by low income gain; (3) repeat migration, particularly the return type, is characterized by a net gain of migrants moving from low poverty but high inequality areas into areas with high poverty but low inequality; (4) Onward migration of TIPs counters existing findings. The main reason why migration is less likely to promote TIPs social mobility is due to weak ethnic and socioeconomic connections between TIPs and non-TIPs population. Keywords: Hard-to-reach population. Indigenous peoples. Inequality. Migration dynamics. Open data. Population dynamics. Acknowledgements We would like to express our sincere appreciation to Mr. Ruey-Ying Wang for his decade-long administrative assistance and promotion in this research program. We acknowledge excellent research assistance from Ms. Ya-Sen Sun. Author contributions JPL serves as research PI who contributes to research conception, design, building open data and repository, and analysis. MCL serves as research co-PI who contributes to research conception, design, material preparation, and quality checking. CYK, HCW, CCL, and CYL serve as research coordinator who contributes to material preparation and quality checking. Manuscripts are written by JPL, and other coauthors collaborate to improve manuscript preparation and quality checks. JPL submits the final manuscript. Funding The research is mainly supported by grants of “Research on Contemporary Taiwan Indigenous Peoples” from Council of Indigenous Peoples in 2013-2022. The research is also granted by National Science and Technology Council, grant numbers: MOST 106-2420-H-001-008-MY2; MOST 106-2420-H-156-001-MY2; MOST 109-2420-H-001-003; MOST 109-2420-H-156-001; NSTC 112-2410-H-001-075-MY2. We appreciate some research grants from Academia Sinica. Data availability The research complies with main principles of open science: open data, open source, open methods, and open access. The authors report that research data, computing codes, and supplementary information are openly available without restrictions in Open Science Framework (OSF at The license of research data and computing codes is GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) 3.0. Code availability See “Data availability” Supplementary information See “Data availability” Declarations Ethical approval Ethic approvals were granted by Council of Indigenous Peoples (CIP), National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), Academia Sinica (AS). The research was conducted in accordance with the guidelines provided by CIP, NSCT, and AS. Competing interests The authors report there are no competing financial or non-financial interests to declare.

License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) 3.0


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TPDD : Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Population Dynamics open Data 台灣原住民族人口動態開放資料

Part research outcomes from TIPD at TPDD : Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Population Dynamics open Data 台灣原住民族人口動態開放資料 1_CopyLeft(L)...

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TIPD : Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Open Research Data 台灣原住民基礎開放研究資料庫

TIPD : Taiwan Indigenous Peoples open research Data 台灣原住民基礎開放研究資料庫 1_CopyLeft(L) 2013-2024, Council of Indigenous Peoples (, T...

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