**COS Ambassadors**: A network of open science enthusiasts increasing conversations around open science and promoting open science initiatives.
Researchers in any field can become [COS Ambassadors][1]. United, we can increase openness, integrity, and reproducibility across scientific domains.
Ambassador Activities
- Build communities of researchers interested in openness, reproducibility, and transparency
- Act as local information source about COS, OSF, transparency, and reproducible research practices
- Serve as an information resource at [OSF Institutions][2] sites
- Represent COS at conferences and meetings
- Grow the open science community
- Blog about COS initiatives or general open science topics
- Provide training on OSF and reproducible practices
- Blog about COS initiatives and/or general open science topics.
- Provide feedback on new OSF features/improvements
Additional Resources
[Slide Decks][3]
[One Pagers][4]
[Open and Reproducible Research Workshop Curriculum][5]
Quick Links
[Center for Open Science][6] homepage
[Ambassador Cheat Sheet][7]
[COS Quarterly Newsletters][8]
[COS Blog][9]
[COS YouTube Channel][10] - webinars on using the OSF and other special topics
[1]: http://cos.io/ambassadors
[2]: https://osf.io/6ewnr/
[3]: https://osf.io/jfzgt/files/
[4]: https://osf.io/rtjnp/files/
[5]: https://osf.io/48up3/files/
[6]: http://cos.io
[7]: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QK8k7eecqvgVRrNzzMsm3x9nfGxoC8sapOiiAd_7VIE/edit?usp=sharinghttp://
[8]: http://us9.campaign-archive2.com/home/?u=4ea2d63bcf7c2776e53a62167&id=4a18a8b5ba
[9]: https://cos.io/blog/
[10]: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGPlVf8FsQ23BehDLFrQa-g