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Species-Level Supermatrix: Iguania (Thorough Run)
Data and tutorial for the Iguania-Thorough analysis.
Species-Level Supermatrix: Iguania (Fast Run)
Data and tutorial for the Iguania-Fast analysis.
UCE Dataset: Genus Kaloula (Vouchered)
Data and tutorial for the Kaloula-Vouchered analysis.
UCE Dataset: Genus Kaloula (Species-Level )
Data and tutorial for the Kaloula-Species analysis.
Phylogeographic Dataset: Trachylepis (Vouchered)
Data and instructions for the Trachylepis-Phylogeography analysis.
Phylogeographic Dataset: Trachylepis (Species-Level)
Data and instructions for the Trachylepis-Species analysis.
Population-Level Dataset: Genus Callisaurus (Unvouchered)
Data and instructions for the Callisaurus-Population analysis.
Population-Level Dataset: Genus Uma (Unvouchered)
Data and instructions for the Uma-Population analysis.
Adding Outgroups to Local Data - Hyperoliidae Supermatrix
Data and instructions for the Hyperoliid-Outgroup analysis.
SuperCRUNCH vs. PYPHLAWD Comparisons
Data and instructions for the all SuperCRUNCH vs. PyPHLAWD supermatrix comparisons for Iguania and Dipsacales.
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