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Welcome to the **AI** & legislation stream of CRLP. @[osf](e6cza) Here is a recent video from the EU on possible uses of AI in legislative drafting - @[youtube]( For more videos from other sources see the ["AI for legislation" playlist][1] on our YouTube channel. The main element of this stream is looking into how we can use **AI** (LLMs & machine learning) to help drafters identify **logical structures** and **key elements** within draft legislation - we are working with Digital Jersey and **Google Cloud AI**, and will post results here. That could feed a non-AI reasoning system (like DataLex), and a generative AI chatbot could help guide human users to the right legislation for the reasoning system, and then summarise the reasoning systems answers - a "sandwich" - @[osf](8v5bd). But we have also been looking at whether generative AI (like ChatGPT) can be prompted to **write first drafts** of legislation that are not just plausibly framed but unworkable & too hard to fix (little sign so far). We are also interested in whether AI could help with a [drafting tool][2]. For an overview from June 2023 see our slides for ICAIL - @[osf](78j4t) Meanwhile we have been looking to help AI developers to work with **Jersey legislation** - - We will be producing notes for anyone thinking of making a **chatbot** to answer questions about Jersey legislation, particularly explaining the workings of the collections of different versions of our legislation on [****][3]. - We have also looked at how AI (machine learning) can treat at our statute book as a **data set**, and at the risks of misunderstanding the data - @[youtube]( [1]: [2]: [3]:
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