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Language attitudes, practices, and concerns of bi-/multilingual families raising infants and toddlers  /

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Category: Other

Description: This component presents the results of a corpus-assisted discourse study of the concerns regarding multilingual child-rearing of Quebec-based parents raising an infant or toddler aged 0-4 years with multiple languages in the home. Based on two corpora – one in French and one in English – comprising parents’ responses to an open-ended question about their main concerns regarding multilingual child-rearing, this component aims to answer the following research questions – RQ1: What is the nature of parents’ concerns regarding multilingual child-rearing? – more specifically, we asked whether two previously attested concern types revealed in another component of the larger project were present in parents’ responses and whether additional concern types would emerge, and RQ2: What are the strongest concerns that parents have regarding multilingual child-rearing?

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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attitudesbilingualismconcernsheritage languagesideologiesinfantslanguage usemultilingualismQuebecresourcestoddlers

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