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Data storage for iCAD Study 3. Data for analyses evaluating implicit and explicit measures related to drinking and their prediction of alcohol consumption during during a bogus taste test in the lab. Hypothesized moderators of the implicit/explicit measure and alcohol consumption was: -more vs. less effortful cross out 'e' condition (Baumeister et al., 1998). Additional moderators of the predicted 2-way relationships were: -Working memory capacity (evaluated via the OSPAN) -Implicit Theories about Willpower (Job et al, 2010, Study 1) These data are from Study 3 of a 5-year R01 funded by NIAAA (R01 AA021763; PI: Kristen Lindgren) This project contains: - The data file for all subjects used in analyses [4 pps were excluded from analyses: one due to a computer malfunction, one due to distraction (i.e., searching the internet) during the assessment, one due to possible intoxication from a substance other than alcohol, and one due to a protocol deviation (i.e., an experimenter error in administering the protocol)]. - A data dictionary for the data file.
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